
The Legacy of Helen Creighton:

Bluenose Ghosts.
Nova Scotia Film Bureau, 1973.

A dramatization of just a few of the stories from the book, Bluenose Ghosts, by Helen Creighton.

Marine Highway.
Nova Scotia Travel Bureau, Information Division, 1968.
Produced and Directed by Margaret Perry.
Scenes of the Eastern Shore from along Highway Number Seven.
The film shows Helen Creighton collecting folk songs; see the end of the Marine Highway video at nsarchives’ YouTube channel.

Land of the Old Songs.
CBC, 1960.
Produced by Bill Harper.

New Scotland.
National Film Board of Canada, 1943.
Produced and directed by Laura Boulton, photography by Judy Crawley.
Laura Boulton consulted Helen Creighton for this film.
Photo at NS Archives.

The Nova Scotia Song.
Glenn Walton, 1986.

A Sigh and a Wish: Helen Creighton’s Maritimes.
Written and directed by Donna Davies.
Produced by Kent Martin.
National Film Board of Canada, 2001.

Songs of Nova Scotia.
National Film Board of Canada, 1958.